Practical class 8
Practical class 8. Methods of pedagogical research: Study of literary sources
Plan of practical work:
1. The concept of the method of studying literature.
2. The procedure for working with literature.
3. Rules for the design of the list of used literature.
Task 1.
Define, using reference books and dictionaries, the following terms: abstract, bibliography, extract, graph, diagram, dissertation, report, card index, bibliography, review, report, list, article, diagram, table, thesis, citation.
Task 2.
Make a list of literature on the topic of any master's work, including several (at least 10 sources): an article from a collection of scientific papers; 2 articles from different journals; 2 works by the same author; a book written by a team of authors under the editorship; collection of scientific papers, abstract of dissertation research. Arrange this list as required.
1. |
Андрианова Е. И. Подготовка и проведение педагогического исследования: учебное пособие для вузов. Ульяновск: УлГПУ, 2013. 116 p. |
2. |
Беляев, А. В., Гулакова М. В., Харченко Г. И. Методологические основания педагогического исследования: учебное пособие. Киров: Изд-во МЦИТО, 2017 – 190 p. |
3. |
Юдина О. И. Методология педагогического исследования. Оренбургский гос. ун-т. – Оренбург: ОГУ, 2013 -141p. |